
Reflection One

I am writing this reflection on Wednesday. Just the next day after class. I completely forgotten on how to access this page again. But ʺ3 Personʺ rule came in. So NIE IT Help desk came to the rescue. There is a need to embrace new technology. Yet I am often apprehensive on doing it. The very simple reason that I might fail, while doing it. So it is just a nice reassurance to hear from Dr Zac that it is alright to fail and it is not uncommon when embracing new technology. More importantly is that we try. That set me thinking again, it is so easy for us to teach our students to never give up, try and try. But when we are in the situation, we tends to forget it. Hopefully at the end of this course, I will be able to at least master 50% of what that has been taught and share it with my colleagues in school. For the first lesson, I still have yet to understand how I can transfer my learning to my students. Maybe I can find the answer at the end of this course.

Reflection Two

Wow! Another lesson that makes me feels that I have information overloading. There was a lot of information given during the morning lesson. Even though, I was mentally prepared for a ‘heavy’ afternoon lesson it was way above and beyond my expectation.

I like how we were question on what was covered during the previous lesson, but at that time my ‘brain’ just ‘freeze’. It really helps me to recall what I was supposed to learn the previous week.

I seriously welcome this kind of overloading information. After teaching for some many years, I can be at times too ‘comfortable’ with what I am best at doing. Thinking that I am doing right, doing good. As our students are visual learners, thus lots of my teaching will be based on using photos/ picture slides. But, I also felt that presentation to our students should be direct and clear of distractions. When I do show a picture slides to teach a new vocab, for example the word apple, I will ensure that my picture slide have just an apple on it. However during the Dr Walker’s lesson, we were shown photos that have other components in it. We were then tasked to look at it and make comments. The thinking question to the students was, to talk about what is in the photo. At this point, it set me thinking. Did I teach based on my own assumptions of what my students can do and cannot do? For now, my answer is a ‘Yes’. Time for change!

Then, we had a very quick introduction to all the different Tech skills – website/blog, Doodle, Menti, etc. During class, I was constantly thinking how it will benefit my students. It looks that I can only benefit my colleagues better. But I was determined to try using it with my students. So I did. Using Menti, I created a simple poll. Question on: “What is your favorite colour?” With this simple activity, I was so happy that my students did not forget what I had taught last year using Kahoot. They were so confident when I asked them do they know what they need to do with Menti, after a short explanation. Most replied: ‘Yes’. So off they went to key in the website and then the code. From the three classes that I used Menti with, I realised that so much learning was taking place with just one simple activity. To name some learning: read a sentence, typing skills (URL and code), listening to instructions, getting information from the results, answering verbal questions, spelling, reading bar chart and so much more.

It was a joy to see how my students were responding to my new discovery. Students who was often quiet in my class, was answering my questions. It was a surprise. I was finally building a relationship with this student!

It was also a surprise that what I initially thought, during Dr Walker’s class, might not work with my students (MSID) was working so well. Again, I must constantly remind myself that I should not assume and limit the abilities of my students.

As I want to have a feel on how many students can benefit, I was sort of force to think fast and act fast. It can be tiring. So hopefully, I can maintain this energy and drive to test out more new learning that is coming my way. 

Reflection Three

Can we have classroom teaching instead of online learning?

I seriously think that it might be easier for me if someone explain what is happening in each slide. I might not be able to keep a 100% attention in class, but at least I think I will at least managed a 70%. Even with a 70% attention, I do think that I can understand better. I can conclude that my learning style requirements includes audio, visual and most importantly a clear explanation by others. Why? I really lack the must needed self-discipline, self-motivation to sit through and to digest and make sense of all the information in the various slides.

But this is a good change. From the usual lectures to self-directed learning. Another new self-exploration, that lead me to rethink and relook at the way on how I should teach my students. Did I spend enough time to understand their needs when they cannot get a certain concept of what I am teaching? What can do better to ensure that I can cater to majority of my students in the same class? More visual? More pictures? More verbal explanation? Will explore more into this area now.

Back to all the techs for this week. If I didn’t read the messages posted online by Dr Walker, I will start to panic on why the code given for the ‘’, not working. Huh! That’s technology.

Trying to use my mobile to download the recorder for Screencast instead of the computer, but realized that it cannot be done. It might be better if they can allow the use of mobile too. Simple reason, mobile are more convenient for many. If I can make it work, I believe that it will be a good tool to gain the attention of my students. Was trying to launch the recorder for 10 minutes, but just cant. This is also one of the many reasons why some people just don’t like to embrace new technology, it is disheartening and time consuming at times. Then after 20 minutes, it finally works. So, never give up. Try again and again.

There are so much more information given in Session 3. I need the time to explore and learn. This is really not easy. But I do enjoy all the information given. Thank you.

Reflection Four

On 6 Brain Rules – I can now conclude that I need time to ‘settle down’ before lecture so that my ‘brain’ can work better.  Oh dear, oh dear how can I not give the answer to the ‘6 Brain Rules’ instantly?  I asked myself over and again.  Going to list it here to recap and recall constantly.

  • Music
  • Movement
  • Laughter
  • Social
  • Novelty
  • Multimodal

Why does one forget so easily? Someone once told me is all about ‘Using and Not Using’.  If we constantly use it, there is not much reason to forget it.  So I will have to tell myself to make use of the 6 Brain rules more often.

On Using and Not Using – ‘Using and Not Using’, of new technology.  Yes we are often very apprehensive with new ideas and new initiative at work, especially so with technology related stuff.  The excuse given on trying something new is “This or That won’t work…”.  However, if we try it, use it, I think we should be able to overcome it.  The first move is often very difficult to overcome, but once we overcome our first move it will be easier.

In session 4, video is the main topic.  Looking back 10 years ago, there are not many teachers using videos to teach a concept.  But look at the classroom now, we are moving from picture cards, to PowerPoint and now videos.  Why so?  It is because we know that with videos we can bring the outside world (which our students might not interact often with) into the classroom.

The next topic that I can recall is, are we consuming or producing videos.  At this current stage, we are more of consuming then producing. Using video to teach a concept or subject area.  It has never cross my mind to use video as a form of ‘Brain Exercise’ or to produce a video for self-introduction.  I have had tried to use videos before the start of a class, but at times co-teachers felt that the video will cause the students to be over active and cannot settle down for the lesson after. Is this true? Well, it might be because of the selection of an inappropriate video and not fully understanding the students in class. Although, there might be a library of videos that is available easily, as educator we must not forget to select one that is appropriate and useful for our students.

On producing video – Video is an impactful tool because of the animation, video, graphic and sound effect.  In years to come, I am sure that we will move away from consuming videos to producing videos.  In fact it is not too far away.  In our school, we witness that a concept is much easily bring across to our students if the cast in the video is their friend.  So I think it is time that I start to become more of a ‘producer’ and also at the same time share with my colleagues the benefit of producing video. Sharing with them the idea that so long it is for the betterment of us students we should “Just Do it”.

I took a total of five videos for that ’30 seconds self-introduction’.  Why? Because I was not having any connection in the first few ones.  Finally, for the last video which I am rather satisfied with, I was smiling and trying to make a connection in the video.  I really like this short video idea.  I will try to use it with my students the next time and task them to create a video using iMovie or simply just the phone camera.  I do believe that a lot of learning in different domain will take place.

Also when students produce their own videos, there is no need for them to know the spelling of the words that they are using.  This, indirectly helps them overcome one obstacles.  From it, we are also building self-confidence.

On other learning – Some other learning that I want to note here that will be useful not only for myself but also for my colleagues:

  • Download video from YouTube using ClipGlab. 
  • Students will not be distracted with the initial page of video from the YouTube.
  • Producing a short video on where they are and what they learnt after a lesson.
  • Building relationships with video, taking a yearly goal video and sharing it with their parents, taking video of the students themselves and showing it to them during the next lesson.

To end- Would like to share how use taking video of success stories. A student of mine is not able to use the computer mouse for clicking on objects. He had tried to learn the skill but deal to his poor motor skills he can hardly do it.  But after the introduction of an assistive devices and understanding its use, he was able to use the assistive device and the usual computer mouse, at the same time, to click on an object.  It was a success for the student.  He has shown so much confidence in clicking and was happily engaging in a computer activity.  It was a delight to all.  His success was video. It was shown to his class teacher and subsequently his parents. All were surprise at his achievement.  If I were to tell them verbally on his achievement, they might not understand me completely.  Just like how you might not comprehend what you are reading now. A photo speaks a thousand words, but a video is doing much more.  I am going to take a video now. Going to video down my personal goal of producing more videos. (Of course, I am going to produce those videos using all my new learning, but just screen casting first) Taking small step at a timeJ

Reflection Five

Twitter and tweeting….

What an eventful afternoon. The anticipation of using Twitter started way before 12:30pm on 12 Sept 2017. I know that it is not difficult to set up a Twitter account, but seriously was in doubt on how to get it working.   Then Dr Zac asked that we ensure the ‘Setting’ is set to ‘Public’ otherwise, others will not be able to see what I am tweeting. Was looking through the setting functions and was really puzzle. Then along help came. Course mates was so willing to share on what they know. Ross was also so kind to share on how we can view the latest tweet and also on loading the Twitter app to my phone. After I posted my first tweet, I was thankful for all the replies. It really helps to know that I am on the right track.

I think I am often ‘tense up’ when it comes to Dr Zac’s lesson. We seriously don’t know what we are expecting. Luckily, tweeting is really manageable and fun. I am enjoying it. There are limitation to the vocabulary that my students know. Thus, it will be a challenge for them to type. But during the tweeting exercise, I was glad to learn that we can upload photos/videos and gif images. I am delighted to know that I can at teach my students on how to upload the photos/ videos and gif images. They can start ‘Tweeting’ too.

I also enjoyed looking at all the funny videos and gif images.

Online Lectures

Digital Citizenship

Appreciate the information and all the links given for digital citizenship. Personally, I like the information from ‘Planet Nutshell’. The videos and animation from this website is suitable for my group of students.


The lecture on Tweeting also set me thinking. Yes, indeed Twitter can be for two users; Teacher and Students. But how useful will it be? It might seems ‘easier’ for a class to start using Twitter in the classroom, but in my school setting it is might not be that visible with what was shared during the online lecture.

Why Not?

It is good that Teachers can use the Twitter account to give class updates, but that also means that parents and students must have some basic knowledge about Twitter and must also have some basic IT skills. In addition, we also need to ensure that all have the necessary equipment. So how are we to manage the ‘Have’ and ‘Have Not’ situation? It can be a sensitive issue. We do not want to be catch in a situation that no one is left out due to financial constraints.

Another constraint is with skills that are required. Students will need to be able to use the computer, know how to spell, when they know how to spell then they will need how to type and many others. So where should we start? I am still thinking about it. I am not saying that Twitter is not possible for my students. As mentioned earlier they might not need to type to convey messages. Pictures and videos can do the work. As educators, more importantly is to think and make changes to a skills for our students to adapt to its use. In addition, it must serve a purpose and be functional.

This reflection seriously put me in this thinking mood. I am thinking and rethinking. At the end of the day, I can be very savvy in ICT, I am not, and all the new technologies in the market. However, is this the most important attribute for educators? To me, the most important attribute is the ability to impart what I have learnt and modified the skills I have acquired to suit the abilities of my students.

Reflection Six

I am still not very sure about the terms that was explained by Shamini. It will take me a lot of time and more readings to understand exactly on how to state or classify tools under the different affordances – Pedagogical, Social or Technical. In fact, till now I am still not sure of the terminology of ‘affordance’.

As Shamini mentioned that the objective of this lesson is not for us to fully digest the P.S.T but more of the ‘knowing’ on the need for educators to start thinking and knowing about ‘21st Century Competencies’. I also not sure how the lesson can be linked to the 21st Century Competencies, except that during the lesson we talked about using tools that might help in Communication, Collaboration and Critical Thinking. These are just some of the essential skills that was mentioned in the MOE 21st Century Competencies Framework.

Anyway, one main take away for the lesson is that we need to know why there is a need for us to select a certain tool. Is this tool effective in teaching and learning? The aim is that the tool which we might be purchasing/using/implementing should serve its purpose for our students.

Along this course, I often question why technology? Is that a ‘real’ need? Will the technology value add to the class room? How the technology helps us to achieve an outcome in class? I am glad that Shamini highlighted the importance that the need for technology might not be all that necessary. It should only be deem necessary after we determine that it can value add to our lessons.

We cannot denial that education in Singapore is competitive. Thus it is inevitable that schools might want to look ‘good’ by introducing some new teach. But what is wrong with ‘No’ tech? We should strike a balance. Thus with the knowledge of P.S.T. affordance we do have something to fall back on when we need to make an evaluation or a decision on a particular tool. So I will also be easier to justify why a need for a new tech and when we should reject a new tech.

Reflection Seven

A great idea to allocate the different Instructional Strategies and finding a suitable tech tools for it to each individual in the class. With this 3 hours sharing, I was able to learn about so many tech tools that are useful in class. Explanation given was condense however informative. It is really time-saving.

This presentation might be difficult from the start, as I believe that many of us are still confused about writing and differentiating the ‘affordances’. However, from the presentations, it seems that all are learning well. Personally, the presentations has helped me to understand affordances better.

Not all the tools shared will be useful for my school settings. However, I explored on the tech tool – ‘Piktochart’, shared by Afni. It is really interesting. We can use it to create a simple web page, presentation slides and poster. I showed my students on some of the templates given. It is really manageable for my students. I am really excited to put them into proper lessons structure and share it with my students.

Of course there are many other tech tools which interest me too just to name a few:-. ‘Ed Puzzle’, ‘Plickers’, and ‘SWAY’. I will need more time to look into each one and see how it can benefit my students.


Reflection Eight


Planning, expectation, reality, overloading and stress.  These words were hovering over my head before Dr Walker mentioned about the extension of our deadline.  From the very beginning of the course, I already knew that this is going to be a very heavy course. The main reason was that we are not excused from work.  Being away from school for two days, does not equal to work only on the other three working days.  We are expected to catch up with what was left behind.  I wanted to pen this down so that when I read this reflection again, I knew that I still managed to complete this course some way, somehow. When Dr Walker mentioned that we should not bring baggage or expect others to know our workload in a class, it set me thinking.  During Mdm Sarina’s class on that same day, we were just reminded that we should not assume that we were the ‘busiest’ at work.  There is a need for us to look at our work schedule and others as well. I do feel bad that due to the extension, which is very much required, Dr Walker and Dr Myra need to make changes to their plans.  It is a good reminder for us to know and understand that we should not assume.  Here we assume that others should accommodate to our timeline or work around our schedule.  At work, we might also assume that colleagues should work around our schedule too.  I am grateful for the extended deadline and also the reminder that we as educator, as colleagues should not assume.   But I will reflect on how I can work better and make better planning in the future.  This is a good ‘knowing’ experience.

Think and Change

Back to the lesson during session 9, for the start of the lesson. A good reminder of the 3 Rs, the 6 brain rules.  We are expecting the ‘standing up’ the ‘questioning’ and also the sharing of ideas among friends.  I like it.   For me, it is a setting of a class routine which important rule for my students too. I also like the idea given that the games shared need not be limited to how it is being used.  We should always look at ways and means to suit the needs of our students.  I am slowly getting reinforced on the idea of constant change with our teaching pedagogy.  So I think and think harder again. What can I do with all the new tech tools?  How I modify to suit the needs of my students?  Looking at Meme, in class we used the to create simple online greeting cards.  Some simple steps (1) ask students to recap on how to search for an image, (2) save the image, (3) upload it onto ‘Meme’, (4) type in words for the top and bottom line, (5) click ‘Create Meme’. A simple greeting card appears.  The teaching idea is very much the same as creating a card using MS Publisher (in our curriculum) just that we are using another mode. So, there is a need to constantly explore.

Fear of technology

In class that that day, there was one particular sentence that I like – “Stop thinking of technology as good or bad!” It brings me back when our school started with the use of iPad in year 2010.  Back then, iPad was not widely used as a learning and teaching tool.   Teachers prefer to use technology which they are familiar with.   For example, PowerPoint.  Why?  Using the example of ‘Augmented Reality’, the idea of Augmented Reality when it first start was a very new concept.  To understand the concept clearly was not easy for a layman.  But when ‘Pokemon Go’ came along and how Dr Walker mentioned that ‘Pokemon Go’ is a virtual information.  He then went on to explain how the ideal of AR using ‘Pokemon Go’. When we see a ‘Pokemon’ on the grass patch, the grass patch is the ‘real’ grass.  However, the ‘Pokemon’ is the virtual information.  The explanation instantly became so clear and easy to understand, and we can also see the usefulness and link immediately.   So what it the learning point? Why the idea was not taken, 5 years ago?  For me, I think that it was because whenever there is a new technology, the resistance to accept it is there.  The fear of trying something new, the reluctance to explore new ideas, and the ‘not knowing’ or ‘not understanding’ make acceptance difficult.  Technology can be good and bad at the same time.  It largely depends on how we make use of it.  Do we use it to impact the learning of our student? Do we use it to occupy our students? Or do we use it to enhance the quality of life for our students?  So it is important to think carefully when we are looking at a new technology. Embrace it and not fear it.

Reflection Nine

Discussion to come up with an idea for the ‘Most innovative lesson’. Discussions were conducted since two weeks ago. The first tech tool we used for this was backchannel. Our group members made use of “Today’s Meet” for our discussion. It is a good opportunity for us to put what we had learnt into practice. Along the discussion, I also realised that ‘Whats App’ is a very important tool in our modern day technology. We can share ideas immediately via this tool, there is no need for an immediate answer from all as the conversation being recorded. In addition, discussion is still being carried out in a group.

As for our most innovation lesson, we have a lot of things which we wanted to do and also many topics which we wanted to explore. Most importantly, we wanted something that all is useful to all back at school. As Fiona is from APSN, their students have higher cognitive level. Thus, we need to look into a topic that is suitable and also one that can incorporate an interesting tech tool. We are also trying to include as much of what we had learnt into this lesson. For example, using music, using video, using brain games. More discussion will be needed to finalise our plan. Stay tuneJ

To end,  I am going to miss this kind of collaboration. When we are back to school we might not have the opportunity in this nature to work as a group.

Reflection Ten

Last reflection for this course, what’s my thoughts? As mentioned in my earlier reflections, technology is here to stay and is ever changing. Technology can be harmful and at the same time useful. I am not going to discuss about technology’s pros and cons. I just like to bring across the point that we cannot change the world’s behaviour when technology is concerned. We just need to flow with it. Look at how as an educator we can strike the balance between the technology world and the human world. Work with our students on what they should and should not do when technology is concerned. Whatever pedagogical tool we use, we should try to ensure that it serves the technical aspects in the classroom. At the same time, educate parents to work hand-in-hand with their child’s teacher.

Guest speaker – James

James mentioned that he used a small amount of time in his teaching. IT is incorporated, but he emphasized that IT is not everything. I cannot agree more. Often we see that teachers rely too much on technology and the ‘real’ teaching is thus missing. It is important for educators to understand that IT should only be incorporated if it value adds to the lesson. It is not to be used to ‘beatify ’or ‘technify’ the lesson.

There were many takeaways from his sharing, from task analysis to how he used physical movement to incorporate teaching. The most important take away is his sharing about ‘executive function’.

Our students with learning difficulties tends to have limited engagement and attention span. James mentioned the importance that learning would be enhanced if there are audio input, visual display, and movements.

Kinesthetic learning, or tactile learning is essential for our students. One good way is exercise. Educators should ensure that movement to be incorporated into their lessons. Students, even adults, should get up and move around after sitting for 20 minutes. Seating and listen does not do much good. We need to move so that our brains can be working constantly and movement is beneficial for the body.

Movement helps in thinking. During this course, we are constantly drilling on the concept of ‘Brain breaks’ and on how educators should incorporate, ‘Brain breaks’ into the lesson. I am not a true believer in brain breaks and I am excited to try out the different brain break games shared during class.

Brain break games

-high five

– Mental calculation

– balance

– hunter rabbit

– opposite arm rotation

– memory game






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